donación de óvulos

Everything you need to know about egg donation

Egg donation is a generous action that helps women with infertility problems. According to statistics provided by the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), infertility is suffered by one out of every six couples.

More than an anonymous act of generosity, egg donation can be considered an altruistic and caring act, as it allows many couples to start a family.

To clarify certain doubts such as:if I donate eggs can I have children,how often can you donate eggs,can awoman who has undergone surgery donate eggs? oris it easier to get pregnant after egg donation? Here is all the information you need to know about it.

What is the process to donate eggs?

Going into details about the egg donation process, we will tell you that the process consists of two stages:

  1. Ovarian stimulation: a hormonal medication is applied to the donor to generate multiple follicular development. This is done to obtain a larger quantity of eggs in the next phase.
  2. Ovarian puncture: this is a simple surgical procedure that allows the extraction of the donor’s eggs.

This is a general outline of what it is like to donate eggs.

egg donation

How do you get the eggs to donate?

To learn more about how to donate eggs, we explain more details:

In order to capture the donor’s mature eggs, a follicular puncture is performed, which is the second stage of the egg donation process. This procedure is performed under anesthesia and lasts approximately half an hour.

Detailing how egg donation is done, the medical specialist takes a suction needle and inserts it through the vagina into the ovary. He then suctions the interior of the ovarian follicles, supported by an ultrasound scanner. This is how the eggs are retrieved for donation.

Does it hurt to donate eggs?

The answer is “no.” The process is performed under sedation so that the donor does not feel any pain.

Although it is false that donating eggs hurts, during the process the donor may feel some discomfort, generated by the application of hormonal medication. Some of these discomforts are tiredness, bruising or heaviness.

How long does the egg donation process take?

Continuing with the explanation of how to donate eggs, you should also know:

To validate that all is well, medical tests are performed on the donor. If the results of these tests are correct, the egg donation process begins, which lasts approximately 8 to 10 days.

The treatment is applied by injection, and during the 8 to 10 days you must visit the clinic to verify that the treatment is working. The final step of the egg donation process is the follicular puncture that allows obtaining the oocytes.

If I donate my eggs, can I have children?

Donating ovaries does not affect your fertility at all.

In each cycle you lose hundreds of oocytes, because only one reaches maturity. The hormonal treatment of the egg donation process is applied to mature a greater number of oocytes.

On the other hand, a complete gynecological evaluation is also performed prior to treatment to identify any problems. Therefore, the statement that “if you donate eggs you can become infertile” is false.

If you are wondering, can I have children if I donate eggs? The answer is “yes”. Definitely if you donate eggs you can have children, without any complications derived from the donation.

Can eggs be donated with an IUD?

The egg donation process is very simple, so there is no inconvenience if you are an IUD carrier to donate eggs.

Now that you know what the egg donation process is like, you should also know that you do not need to have your IUD removed to participate as an egg donor.

How to donate eggs in Spain?

If you want to know what you have to do to donate eggs in Spain, we explain the requirements you must meet:

  • Your age must be between 18 and 35 years old.
  • You must be a healthy woman both physically and mentally.
  • You must have normal ovulatory function.
  • You must be free of infections, malformations or inherited genetic diseases.
  • You must not be an adopted person, as it is required to know your family background.
  • You must undergo the medical tests corresponding to the egg donation process.

By complying with these aspects, you will be able to participate in the egg donation process.

How often can I donate eggs?

In case you wish to participate as a donor again, you should know how often you can donate eggs.

In this case, assisted reproduction clinics establish a three-month period between donations. This is the recommended time for your body to fully recover, and your ovulation to regulate.

It is important that you know how often you can donate eggs, since, being a safe and simple procedure, it may lead you to think that you can contribute again before your time.

If you have recently become a mother and are wonderinghow often can I donate eggs, you should wait until your hormonal and menstrual cycles are fully restored. You can also wait until the end of your breastfeeding phase.

egg donation

How many times can I donate eggs?

Another thing you should know is how many times you can donate eggs. And in this regard we indicate that you can do it as many times as you wish, as long as you meet the requirements of the egg donation process.

On the other hand, it should be noted that Law 14/2006 on Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques states that: a donor in Spain should not have more than six children, including her own. This makes it clear how many times you can donate eggs in Spain.

Although it is not wrong to donate eggs many times, there are laws that must be followed and the certain limit of donations was established to avoid or minimize the risk of inadvertent inbreeding, which could cause genetic diseases.

So the only way for a woman to donate eggs more than six times is if she has no children of her own, and not all the children have been born from her donations.

Therefore, donating eggs more than six times would only be possible as long as children are not born with each donation. In fact, egg donation procedure does not always yield positive results.

Financial compensation IVI egg donation

Many people only see the relationship between egg donation and money, and run it as a transaction to sell your eggs. But you must be clear that what you perceive is an economic compensation for donating eggs, to cover the inconvenience. Generally, beyond donating eggs for financial compensation, women feel great satisfaction for the help they provide.

It is not a donation of eggs or money, it is an action that allows others to form a family. You will be an egg donor money and a hero to others.

If you want to know where to donate eggs in Alicante, look for the Phifertility clinic closest to you.