Padres explicando fertilidad a un niño

Explaining In Vitro Origin to Children: A Guide by Merche Cimas.

How to explain their in vitro origin to childrenIn a world where assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) are booming, many parents are faced with the important task of explaining their unique origins to their children and explaining their in vitro origins to their children. Here is a clear and compassionate guide to approaching this conversation.

Importance of Transparency:

From a psychological perspective, it is essential and beneficial to talk to children about their in vitro origin for several reasons:

  • It’s not a Secret: Honesty builds trust. Explaining to them that science helped bring them into the world proves that there is nothing wrong with their conception.
  • Knowledge of Genetics: In cases of egg or sperm donation, it is crucial that the offspring know their genetic inheritance for medical reasons.
  • Trust and Honesty: Preventing loss of trust is essential, especially if children discover its source on their own.

The Right Time to Talk:

  • From a young age: From 3 years old, when children begin to wonder about their origins, it is the ideal time to introduce the subject with simple language.
  • Before the age of 8: Addressing the issue before this age is advisable, as it avoids stress and feelings of difference during adolescence.
  • Availability for Questions: Being available to answer questions and provide emotional support is crucial, regardless of when the conversation begins.

Tips for Effective Conversation:

  • Simplicity and Sincerity: Explain the IVF process clearly and simply, emphasizing that its birth is the fruit of love and science.
  • Inclusion of Visual Resources: Use books or graphic materials to illustrate the conversation, such as the “The Light Bug’s Journey Books” collection.

In conclusion, explaining to children their in vitro origin is an essential part of their emotional and cognitive development. With a clear, sincere and loving approach from an early age, parents can create a space of trust and acceptance. By understanding their unique history, children can grow up knowing that they are deeply wanted and loved, regardless of their background.

At Phi Fertility, information and personalized attention are our priority. If you would like to learn more about how to address these issues or about the services we offer at Phi Fertility, please visit our website for more information and resources, or leave us your details on the form.

This article has been written by
Merche Cimas, psychologist specializing in adolescents.
. Merche has a solid academic background, with a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and two master’s degrees, one in Cognitive Behavioral Psychology and the other in Brief Strategic Child and Adolescent Therapy. His approach focuses on Brief Strategic Therapy and Solution Focused Therapy, which allows him to effectively help in situations of conflict or family problems reducing therapy time and, therefore, the associated suffering.