fertilidad despues 40

Fertility After 40: Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities

Motherhood has undergone a significant transformation in recent decades. More and more women are postponing the decision to have children until after the age of 40, which has led to a growing concern and attention to fertility in this age group. In this article, we will address the challenges and opportunities related to fertility after 40, offering a medical perspective on how to increase and improve fertility at this stage of life. We will also explore the influence of food and provide answers to frequently asked questions on this topic.


Increasing Female Fertility at age 40

As women reach their fourth decade of life, fertility gradually begins to decline. The aging of the ovaries is one of the main problems contributing to this decrease. Not only does the quantity of eggs decrease with age, but also the quality is affected. Despite these challenges, there are medical and lifestyle approaches that can help increase fertility at 40.

  1. If you plan to delay childbearing beyond 38-40 years of age; the option that will offer you the most opportunities in the future will be egg preservation at an age younger than 35 years. Deferring childbearing to the fourth decade of life has a high success rate if you have been proactive and have been able to vitrify oocytes.
  2. In any case, if this is not your case, and you have not preserved your oocytes, and you wish to conceive after 40, it is essential to consult a fertility specialist. A physician specializing in reproduction can evaluate your reproductive health and offer treatment options if necessary.
  3. Fertility treatments: After the age of 40, the technique of choice to achieve a pregnancy is in vitro fertilization (IVF). This treatment combined with the other treatment called embryo selection by biopsy (or PGT-A) allows the identification of healthy embryos. These will be the ones chosen for transfer to the uterus. Selection of healthy embryos is a technique that can improve success rates in women 40 years of age or older.
  4. Medications: To carry out ovarian stimulation after the age of 40, medications that induce egg growth are used; the goal is to increase the number of eggs available for fertilization.

fertility after 40

Improving Fertility at 40

In addition to medical treatments, there are some strategies that can help improve fertility at 40:

  1. Healthy lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to improve fertility. Avoiding smoking, avoiding alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding obesity, are important steps. Regular exercise and stress reduction can also contribute to higher fertility.
  2. Supplements: The addition of certain supplements, such as folic acid, may be beneficial for women seeking to conceive. Consult a physician before taking any supplement.
  3. Monitor ovulation timing: Using urine ovulation predictor kits can help you identify your most fertile days and increase your chances of conceiving.


Foods for Fertility After 40

Diet plays a crucial role in a woman’s health and fertility, regardless of her age. Here are some foods that may be especially beneficial for improving fertility at 40:

  1. Folic acid: This nutrient is essential to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. It is found in foods such as spinach, asparagus and fortified cereals.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA): Omega-3 fatty acids, found in oily fish, walnuts and flaxseed oil, can improve egg quality and reduce inflammation.
  3. Lean protein: Lean protein sources, such as chicken, turkey and tofu, are essential for optimal ovarian function.
  4. Fruits and vegetables: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that promote reproductive health.

fertility after 40

Frequently Asked Questions about Fertility After 40

Is it possible to conceive naturally after 40?

Answer: Yes, many women conceive naturally after 40. However, there is a clear decline in fertility from the age of 38-40 years; pregnancies achieved are much lower, and pregnancy loss rates are much higher, therefore it is advisable to ask for help.


What is the best age to seek fertility counseling?

Answer: If you plan to conceive after 40 or are experiencing difficulty conceiving, it is advisable to seek fertility counseling as soon as possible. The earlier you seek guidance, the greater your options and chances of success.


Are fertility treatments after 40 safe?

Answer: Fertility treatments, such as IVF, are safe and effective if performed under the supervision of a medical professional. Risks and benefits should be discussed with a fertility specialist.

Fertility expectancy and opportunities after age 40

Despite the challenges of fertility after 40, many women are able to conceive and have healthy pregnancies. The key is to seek early counseling and work closely with a medical team that specializes in fertility. Advances in reproductive medicine have significantly expanded opportunities for women who wish to conceive later in life.

In short, fertility at age 40 is not only possible, but also attainable. If you are considering motherhood at this stage, do not hesitate to seek medical guidance and explore all available options. Science and medicine continue to advance, bringing hope and opportunity to all women who wish to become mothers after 40.