medicamentos que se pueden tomar embarazada

Pregnancy symptoms

Women commonly begin to experience pregnancy symptoms at about week six. However, every body is different so these signs may be experienced at different stages or to different degrees or even differently between two pregnancies.

The variations from one woman to another are wide. For example, an expectant mother may experience all of the traditional symptoms, only some of them, or none of them at all.

Normal pregnancy symptoms

To give you a much clearer idea of what the sensations or signs of pregnancy are, here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy:

Absence of menstruation

When your menstrual cycle is a week or more late, there is a possibility that you are pregnant. This is one of the main signs, but you should keep in mind that it can be caused by several reasons.

The delay may be due to your menstrual cycle being irregular, the use of birth control pills, or some health conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes, eating disorders and certain medications.

In this case, it is best to see your family doctor.

Light bleeding

According to statistics, 25% of expectant mothers have light colored bleeding, compared to standard menstrual bleeding.

This spotting is normally experienced when the fertilized egg is implanted, that is, between six and twelve days after conception. However, it can also occur during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Tender or swollen breasts

This sign of pregnancy may appear one to two weeks after the baby is conceived.

Women often feel a tingling or tingling sensation in the breasts, or even some pain, this is due to hormonal changes that occur in the body.

In addition, the breasts may also feel larger and heavier.

Fatigue, tiredness or excessive sleepiness

This is another symptom of being pregnant. Most women experience tiredness or fatigue in early pregnancy, caused by the production of large amounts of the hormone known as progesterone. This hormone contributes to the development of gestation, and also boosts the growth of the glands responsible for producing milk in the breasts.

On the other hand, it should also be taken into account that, during pregnancy, women’s bodies pump more blood to transport nutrients to the fetus. All of this contributes to pregnant women feeling fatigued and very sleepy, even from the first week of conception.

Nausea with or without vomiting

Nausea is one of the most common symptoms, and can begin to be experienced at any time between weeks two and eight of pregnancy. In fact, they may continue to occur throughout the nine months of gestation.

It is commonly called “morning sickness”, but it can happen or occur at any time of the day.

On the other hand, sometimes nausea may be accompanied by vomiting.


Among the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days, we have headaches.

Because of pregnancy, hormones increase suddenly and this can lead to headaches at the beginning of the gestation period.

If this happens to you, try to get more rest and increase your fluid intake.

Cravings or aversion to food

Throughout pregnancy you may experience cravings or refusals for some type of food. In fact, you may suddenly feel the desire to eat something you don’t usually eat; or refuse a food that was normally your favorite.

While you are pregnant you can become much more sensitive to scents and smells, and this influences your sense of taste. These changes are due, like most symptoms, to the hormonal changes your body experiences.

Abrupt changes in your mood

Sudden mood swings can occur throughout the entire gestation period, caused by hormonal changes.

This can occur from the beginning, mood swings are one of the symptoms of pregnancy at about 2 weeks.

More frequent urination

While you are pregnant, you may experience a much more frequent need to urinate.

During the first weeks of pregnancy, your body generates a hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin, which increases blood flow in the pelvic area, causing you to feel the need to empty your bladder more frequently.

Less common pregnancy symptoms

Other symptoms that you may experience in the first trimester of pregnancy, but which are not as common, are the following:

Abdominal swelling or heaviness

Another consequence of hormonal changes is increased blood flow in the pelvis and abdomen. It also increases the size of the uterus and there are uterine cramps or contractions when the embryo grows that can cause you to feel heavy or swollen, much like the same sensation that occurs when a menstrual cycle begins.

Uterine cramps

Although they are not very frequent, you may also experience mild cramping at the level of the uterus. This is especially true during the first days of pregnancy.

Nasal congestion

When hormone levels and blood generation increase, inflammation of the mucous membranes of your nose can occur. These can also dry out and bleed easily.

All of this can cause your nose to become stuffy or runny.


Due to hormonal changes, your digestive system may slow down causing constipation.

Many of these symptoms may be due to causes other than pregnancy, so you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

When do pregnancy symptoms begin?

As we mentioned at the beginning, each woman’s body is very different from the others, so some of them can present yesPregnancy symptoms in the first days after intercourse, around 7 days after ovulation when implantation occurs.The symptoms may last several weeks or may not show any signs or symptoms at all.

In case you experience any sign or sensation that you do not identify as usual, and that is closely linked to a possible pregnancy, you should validate your condition with your gynecologist or obstetrician.