Ciclo menstrual


The menstrual cycle is a female process that accompanies women for a long period of their existence. It is thanks to this process that there is the possibility of creating new lives when they become pregnant and reach nine months of gestation.

To understand a little more about this cycle, here are some basic concepts and relevant information.

What is the menstrual cycle?

What is known as the menstrual cycle is a hormonal process that takes place in a woman’s body every month to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy.

This cycle covers the time between one menstruation and another, which lasts an average of 28 days. Although in some cases it can vary between 21 and 35 days.

When menstrual periods occur regularly during the years between puberty and menopause, it is a symptom that your body is functioning normally.

Irregular menstrual cycles, which are accompanied by pain and heavy bleeding, are not normal. On the other hand, there is also Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), which is suffered by many women, and which can be controlled with certain measures.

The menstrual cycle can begin in females at different ages, usually occurring between 8 and 16 years of age.

what is the menstrual cycle

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual period comprises four phases, which are detailed below:


This consists of bleeding that occurs monthly. During this phase, the female body proceeds to free itself from the cells lining the uterus.

From the uterus, the bleeding flows through a window located in the cervix, and leaves the body through the vagina. Usually approximately 35 ml of blood is discarded, but the normal range is between 10 and 80 ml.

Menstrual periods commonly last between three and five days, but this time can vary from woman to woman, as can the amount of bleeding. Generally speaking, menstruation can last between two and seven days.


This stage occurs after menstruation and before ovulation. During this phase the ovary generates a series of hormones called estrogens, which are responsible for causing some of the eggs inside the ovary to mature.

Normally this phase takes place between the sixth and thirteenth day of the cycle, but this can change even for the same person, due to factors such as stress, weight change, certain medical pathologies, diet, etc.


In this phase, the maturation of the egg is completed and the egg is transferred to the uterus through one of the fallopian tubes.

During this stage, hormone levels increase, and contribute to the preparation of the uterine lining for a possible pregnancy.

Taking all this into account, it can be noted that the best chance for pregnancy to occur is during the three days prior to ovulation or during the day of ovulation.


When the egg is not fertilized, it involute and is expelled at the next menstruation. After postovulation, a new menstrual cycle begins.

How to calculate my menstrual cycle

In order to calculate your menstrual cycle properly, you must know the answer to certain questions.

First of all, you should know how many days a menstrual cycle lasts, on average the menstrual period has a duration of 25 to 30 days, and in some cases it can vary between 21 or more than 35 days. Also, considering that each organism is different, it is possible that the number of days of your menstrual cycle may change from one month to another.

Regarding the first day of the menstrual cycle, this is the first day that your bleeding occurs. The standard is to bleed between two and seven days.

With these numbers as a base you can know how the menstrual cycle is counted, which is very useful to know the date of your ovulation and achieve the pregnancy you desire. By knowing your ovulation date, you will know your fertile days and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

How to improve my menstrual cycle
How to improve my menstrual cycle

Here are the steps to calculate your menstrual cycle and fertile days:

  • Take note of the average length of your menstrual period. For example: 28 to 30 days.
  • Subtract 18 from the shortest cycle length: 28-18 = 10.
  • Then subtract 11 from the longest cycle: 30-11 = 19.
  • The results obtained: 10 and 19, indicate the days of your fertile period.

How to improve your menstrual cycle

As already mentioned, many women suffer from irregularities during their menstrual periods. But these discomforts can be controlled by putting into practice some natural and healthy habits, such as the following:

Balanced diet

You should watch your diet and minimize the consumption of foods such as gluten, dairy, flour and sugar, as these can cause inflammation and pain.

It is best to include more vegetables, fruits and proteins. You can also add supplements such as vitamin D, Zinc and magnesium.

Avoid restrictive diets, as you will be depriving yourself of necessary and important nutrients.

Learn how to manage stress

Stress can be very harmful to your menstrual period, and is responsible for anovulatory cycles, because cortisol destroys and kills the hormones involved in the process.

Among the alternatives you can implement to manage stress are meditation and exercise without excess.

Sleep and rest as needed

When you enjoy a full and restful sleep you also contribute to reducing stress in your life, as this helps with the regulation of the hormones that generate stress.

On the other hand, sleeping well helps with the regular secretion of progesterone, estrogen and luteinizing hormone; while you sleep your immune system is strengthened, toxins are eliminated, your body relaxes and cells are repaired.

Hydrate your body

As a complement to a good diet, you should also hydrate yourself by drinking sufficient quantities of water. This helps to prevent inflammation, migraines, pain and collaborates with the detoxification of your body.

All of these tips are an effective answer to the question of how to heal your menstrual cycle. When you put them into practice you will notice the difference.