embarazo ectópico


An ectopic pregnancy is usually an unpleasant situation for the woman because of all that it implies, but once it is overcome, a standard pregnancy can be attempted without setbacks.

In order for you to know a little more about this type of pregnancy, we share the corresponding details.

diabetes y fertilidad hombre


There are several factors that can negatively influence the fertile potential of men, and one of these factors is diabetes. Although it is a somewhat unknown topic, the relationship between diabetes and male fertility is a reality that should be considered by the male gender when validating their overall health.

When the future father suspects that he suffers from this disease,

hormona FSH


There are several aspects to be assessed or taken into account when planning to conceive a new life. In addition to the good health of both parents, factors such as FSH and fertility hormone, which is found in both men and women and plays a relevant role in the process of fertilization and procreation,

ser madre y ligadura de trompas

Becoming a mother with tubal ligation

Although many women opt for tubal ligation as a method of contraception, they should be aware that this procedure can sometimes fail. That is why any decision regarding parenthood and tubal ligation must be made conscientiously.

This contraceptive mechanism can be effective if executed correctly, but the woman must also take into account several aspects to contribute to its effectiveness.

quedarse embarazada y tener la menstruación

Becoming pregnant and having your period days early

The human organism is a well-oiled and functional machine, which is also incredibly complex. Although scientifically and medically almost all its action and functioning has been understood, there are still aspects that break the known norms or standards.

In a woman’s body, non-standard events may occur, such as becoming pregnant and menstruating days earlier.

medicamentos que se pueden tomar durante el embarazo

Medications that can be taken during pregnancy

During pregnancy, medical professionals usually advise against taking medications. In fact, this recommendation is also issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, sometimes the expectant mother requires certain drugs to ensure her health during the gestation period.

Taking into account the above, it is important that you know which medications can be taken during pregnancy.

medicamentos que se pueden tomar embarazada

Pregnancy symptoms

Women commonly begin to experience pregnancy symptoms at about week six. However, every body is different so these signs may be experienced at different stages or to different degrees or even differently between two pregnancies.

The variations from one woman to another are wide. For example, an expectant mother may experience all of the traditional symptoms,

cómo afectan las hormonas a mi cuerpo

How hormones affect my body

When a woman becomes pregnant or undergoes hormonal treatments, her body begins to undergo major changes.

These changes can sometimes cause discomfort, but it should be kept in mind that in pregnancy hormones play a fundamental role in helping to prepare the body for a new life, for the delivery to be carried out in the best way,

Cuánto dura la betaespera

What is BetaSperm and how long does it last?

One of the most difficult phases of an assisted reproduction treatment is the IVF beta wait. In many cases it is inevitable that expectant parents will experience mixed emotions as they await the results of treatment.

What is beta wait?

Whichever assisted reproduction treatment alternative has been applied, the couple must go through what is known as the beta wait.

ademoniosis y ambarazo

Adenomyosis and pregnancy

There are several pathologies in the gynecological area that, despite being common in people, are not known by most of them. Among these disorders is adenomyosis.

This is a disease that is usually related to women’s fertility, and that is often ignored or not detected in time. We usually talk about adenomyosis and pregnancy,